Wild Orchid Watch



a national citizen science project designed to collect, record and share scientific information about Australian native orchids.

Welcome! We are delighted to have you on board with this exciting new citizen science app and project.

You can install the Wild Orchid Watch (WOW) app on your mobile device, simply by typing in your internet browser: app.wildorchidwatch.org (or select the button below) and follow the prompts. The WOW app is a progressive web app, so it sits on the web not in the app store, but looks just like a regular app once installed.


WOW app instructional videos

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 WOW App Instructional Video #1- Getting the wow app

WOW App Instructional Video #2 - Making an observation


The WOW project is a custom app which feeds data directly to iNaturalist. Orchid observations collected using the WOW app are identified, managed and stored by iNaturalist. If you already have an iNaturalist user name and password, brilliant! You can use this when logging into the WOW app. If not, no worries, you will be prompted during the WOW app sign-up to follow a few simple steps to create an iNaturalist username and password. The WOW app will put an icon on your home screen and after the initial signup you can always log in to the WOW app via the icon.

Watch the WOW Intro video

Sophie Thomson, ambassador for Wild Orchid Watch, along with scientists from The University of Adelaide explain the WOW project. Find out what is special about this project, why we are calling on native orchid enthusiasts to use the free WOW app, where to find more information and how to get involved.